pring? We thought that ' it would never come again, but there is 'i.e., then! And what is the biggest eye-opener when the sun does a bit of what we prefer to see? Then you suddenly see how dirty your house is. The panes reflect a haze and also over your furniture a thin blanket of grey/brown fabric is hanging. Is this the starting signal for your spring cleaning? Get help with these tips.
1. Well right you're on
It sounds so logical, but it always turns out easier said than done: be the most uncleaned version of yourself. Take a new mantra that repeats how cleaned up you are, and especially as if you like it, clean it up. Soon you'll still believe in it too. Muffle your belongings under the banner ' What you do not see is not there.' If you do get involved, put it in the right place. Hold stuff right away when you've used it. Just think about how long you are doing it. One minute? Maybe two? Surely that is nothing compared to the time you spend to make your whole house on the side when you swing all the junk behind you? How beautiful is it that you don't have to beat that to clear it up? Never again! Walk in the house for a while before bedtime to put everything back on the spot, and you will find that you are getting so much more rest in your life.
2. Spring Cleaning vs. your standard routine
What makes spring cleaning well a spring cleaning? Now you pull everything offside and make everything clean. That's the idea. Will the vacuum cleaner normally óm the bench and reach, 'i.e., only the parts under the seat where you can go without too much trouble? Now you pull the chair off the side and dust you off the stuff that is under the desk. No more dust in your house. Your wardrobe will go through thoroughly, the edges above the doors you take along, the curtains, everything.
3. How do you make time for this?
Time is a relative concept and especially something we have little of it. So how do you make such a huge clean-up, for which you don't want to make free time, fit into your full agenda? Do a little every day.
One day you do the windows, the other day the toilet and the day on it you clean all the kitchen cabinets from the inside. The outside comes again on another day. In this way, it will not be such a huge thing and your free day will also really be a free day.
4. Cleaning Team
Make it a #teamwork. Agree with your Huisgeno (s) who does what. Join the battle and then cheer on the result. You can also surprise the one with whom you live with a tidy house. How romantic?!
5. Lose your Bunch
The cleanup and cleaning often make it so complicated that you have too much stuff that you don't use at all. When you're about to throw it away, something starts to nibble that says you're going to use it this time, or that you're attaching emotional value to it. A map of a loved one do not just throw away? Here you can do several things to cut the knot so that the stuff ends up in the trash. Can you make someone else happy with it? Please do so. You can also stop all the things in a box and everything you still haven't used a year later, throw your way. If you still have trouble with it, make a picture of the stuff. The memory is preserved, but it saves a lot of space.
6. Know what you're doing
Several studies can show that a tidy house is better for your mental and physical health. Thus, the research ' No place Like home... ' shows the influence of a well-disposed house on your cortisol level and mood. It was mainly about how people describe their own house. Women who described their homes as ' messy ' or ' unfinished projects ' were more likely to have a high level of stress, a depressed mood, and fatigue than women who described their dwelling as ' soothing ' and ' restoring.' Also, your visual cortex can be overstimulated by foreign objects in your environment, making it harder to concentrate. Also, participants in a search for the relationship between a clean house and health that kept their home clean would be healthier and more active than those who did not keep their home clean.